____              __                __ __ _      __                                               uw##8y,
         / __ \____  ____ _/ /_____  _____   / //_/(_)____/ /_  __  __                             uw   y#WWWW8WW#@S/~      Ju
        / / / / __ \/ __ `/ __/ __ \/ ___/  / ,<  / / ___/ __ \/ / / /                       yWWWW#WW   4WWWWWWW#8{***$w, >WWWuwWWWW
       / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / /     / /| |/ / /  / /_/ / /_/ /                        8LWWWWWWWuWWWWWWWWW#**CjWWWW%MWWWWWWW8Wu
      /_____/\____/\__, /\__/\____/_/     /_/ |_/_/_/  /_.___/\__, /                      >*"$W}WWW#WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW#uVWWWWj#WWWW
                     /_/ The minimalist hobbyist everything. /____/                      ` @WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW88\]#WW$WWWWW%
 ________________________________________________________________________                ,#WWWW4WW@WWW#WWWWWWWWWW8WWWWWWW*"*@ $WWWWWWWWW%
|                                                                        |              p#WW#WWWWWWWWWWWWW8WWWWWWWWWW#U#W#(*W@]W%W $WWWWW
|   _  _                                  _ _   _      ___               |             #WWWWWWWWWWW#WWWW8*#WDW#W#WW*WWWWWWW##W]WW8#$WWWWWL
|  | || |___ _  _   __ _ _  _ _  _ ___   (_) |_( )___ |   \ ___  __ _ tm |            yWWWWW*^*WWWWWWWWWWW#WW#W<$WWw@WWWWWWW#WjWW8WWWWWWW%
|  | __ / -_) || | / _` | || | || (_-<_  | |  _|/(_-< | |) / _ \/ _` |_  |           JWW#WWh     WWWWW%`MWW)8*\`*VWWW%WWWWWWWW*`   #WWWWW\
|  |_||_\___|\_, | \__, |\_,_|\_, /__( ) |_|\__| /__/ |___/\___/\__, (_) |          ')WWWW%.    ,YWWW8u "*`       %w*WWWWWW#W`   ,M#WWW*l'
|            |__/  |___/      |__/   |/                            |_|   |          y8WWW*$      )W#W#W            r*8WWWWW*      &WWWWWW
|                                                                        |         j##WWW ).     8 8WWWW.         ` JWWWW;       xWWWWWW*
|  I'm a "hobbyist everything". I'm a sort of jack of all trades in      |         3WWWWW  `     8  %WWW*  u~' .->$QWWW* "      .WWWWWW#
|  many different things, ranging from software development to music     |         )WWWWW        '  ~W*y.`,,3**J>-X%#%W         #WWWWWW
|  production. There are very few things that I haven't done. Skydiving  |          WWWWW        >         -&W;"a*jQk#8#8      ,WWWWWW*
|  is definitely one of those things. I currently go to community coll-  |           WWWWW     'yC    ~J)*@#WWw8#WW*A**`       $WWWWW*
|  ege for my systems administration major. In my spare time, I play     |             %WWWW   ')*C    J\$WWWW^*"**`     -``;   WWWWWW
|  competitive fighting games, watch anime, program convenient Discord   |             ]WWWW ,J**  ,,J` #WW`          `   ~` v#WWWW#W
|  bots, and some other things. It fits well with my "hobbyist           |              )WW;r!n""""`;< &WWW   wwwu,           `WWWWWW
|  everything" idea.                                                     |              )WW%MM ;-```J",WWWW      `l\`          8WWW%VW
|                                                                        |             &WW/"   `;`>>;J]WWWW        ";          8WWWW %#w
|  Anime I would recommend include White Album 2, CLANNAD, Mashiroiro    |          <8WWW      -";\v***$WWW      <*""          "8*8W\ `*%Wu
|  Symphony, the Monogatari series, Danganronpa 3, and the original      |        gWWWWW       ;/*J)*"*J]WW<<><>**!y;pw#WW%%RD* (88$Wy     "%,
|  White Album. Angel Beats was okay, and there's currently a few other  |     8WWWWWW"      <"""!n*`,,  `"/!!!JJu@W%W'""JJJ!   9#*%W@     jW
|  anime on my list to watch.                                            |    >*#WWjW* \    >C"""";Ja8*^`    `<**C**  `""""J""    ?#G%WW\   &W
|                                                                        |    **WW &W       "G"""";$WWL,         ^`     `''''',    `%@$WWW\&*
|  Coding projects include the Kotomi Project, both Melee Toolbox pro-   |    *!W  3%       ")';;;;WWWWW,~v*<.             -,        *%#WWWi,
|  jects--Projekt Akiha and Shiki--and whatever the hell the Draconic    |    :*), `A,      u '`'''WWWWW=      `y':                    `YWWWi
|  Entertainment project is called now. I don't do much coding, unlike   |       `>-,<>     *      ]WWWWH       *,    .                  ' 1W
|  other things I do, such as game modding for Brawl Minus.              |           `- ;    :      ]WWW       )""                      `   W
|________________________________________________________________________|            J "    `       ]W"       `~''                        `
|                                                                        |                           `            ..
|  afiliates and cooperative teams                                       |                ;WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW
|________________________________________________________________________|   pWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW#WWWWWWWWWWWW#WWW
|                                                                        |   %WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW#WWWWH
|  links to other stuff                                                  |    $W*WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWB#WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWH
|                                                                        |      >*******MWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW#WWWWWWWWWWWWWH
|  https://www.twitter.com/doqk_                                         |    .(********v(!!!]#WWWWW%*****WWWWWWWWWW#WWL
|  http://www.kotomiproject.ga/                                          |   <********(!!!!Jz^M%WWW.''-;"""J"""""]]WWWWW
|  https://discord.gg/J5gNV6m                                            |  >(*****""""""J)^      L             `'&WWWWW
|  http://blog.doqk.ml/                                                  |             '>`                       ,  "**`
|                                                                                                                                              |
|                                                                                                                       (c) 2016 doqtor kirby  |